Pulling out all the tricks…

Well, it’s day two of my exercise-nutrition 8 week challenge and I had to dig deep to make my 5 am exercise class. While I did go to bed at a decent time, my alarm at 4:12am was not welcomed. Immediate snooze. No other thought, other than maybe… “what is that noise, make it stop.” The second time the alarm went off I was a little more coherent. Oh yeah, exercise. Challenge. Day two. Do I need to do this? Why did I sign up for this? Ugh. Yes, you want this. Do I want to fit into my clothes again more than I want to sleep? Yes. Ok. Now, how do I make my body get with the program? I remembered the 5 hour energy shot I had opened last night and set beside my bed. (I have to open it before I go to bed because those seals are too hard for me to battle at 4:30 in the morning.) Chug chug. Ok. let it work. Body, wake up. I slowly start to feel some tingles, start to wiggle my toes and bend my knees. …and…..I’m asleep again. Third snooze alarm goes off. Yikes, ok. I start telling myself, “all i have to do is put clothes on and go get in the car.” that’s it. just the next step. don’t thing about anything else- not the drive into the gym, not having to maybe talk to people first thing in the morning. The clothes I threw on ended up being a bright turquoise t-shirt with green army camouflage leggings. I got dressed, got in the car, and off to class. Success. As I sat in the class with other devoted 5 am exercise and healthy life advocates, some of these bad-ass humans actually had matching work out outfits. One even donned a black workout shirt which read “I wear black to work out because it’s a funeral for my fat,” which I thought was way more interesting to read and look at than my turquoise-army green mismatched catastrophe of an outfit. Alas, sweet success looks different to different people. Happy Tuesday. Let’s make it a great day.


Oops I did it again…


You have to start somewhere…